
Friday, December 16, 2011

Gotta Love Awkward Encounters

So dollar stores, best things ever right? A cheap place to pick up just about anything for a buck. Pens, cups, cookware, art supplies and stocking stuffers. As long as you're not too concerned with quality it's a great place to grab it. There are of course a few things I see at the local dollerama that I wouldn't really want to buy there. One of which would be a pregnancy test.

I have no problem buying cheap no-name ziplock bags, but I don't know if I would want to leave my parenthood status update to the kind folks at the buck shop. Can you just see the relief on some poor girls face when the dollar test tells her she's not pregnant; then a couple months later she feels a kick? I shudder at the thought. I'm down for a deal, but it's definitely something I would splurge on for the best possible brand. Just about every time I walk past the tests there I think to myself: does anyone actually buy these? Apparently yes.

The other day I was happily Christmas shopping with my Mum and took a detour into the dollar store to pick up some more cookie boxes for my gifting. As I stared at the shelves I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a quiet "excuse me". I turned to see a lady timidly nod her head and ask me if I could help her with something. She directed me over to where the pregnancy and ovulation tests were and asked me to explain the difference between the two. There I was standing in the dollar store trying to find the words to tell a stranger what the two tests did, while my mother looked on from a distance with a mildly amused face. After my awkward 'did someone just ask me this' pause, I went on to describe in deep and scientifically accurate terms what they were (the blue one tells you when you can get pregnant - the purple one tells you if you are) she thanked me and went on her way holding a purple box. All I could think was "good luck lady may the dollar store Gods be on your side".


Monday, December 5, 2011

Going Rogue

Well hello there blog long time no see!

It seems I went AWOL on the internet for a bit. Aside from the odd Facebook update, my blog has sat dormant, my twitter is silent and the backlog on all my favourite reading links has certainly piled up. Sometime real life takes over and writers block kicks in and you take an unofficial hiatus...then forget you took one. Oops! All I can really say about it is: onward and upward my friends!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Going Gaga Over: Current Obsessions

1) My new portable Air Conditioner is at the top of my favourites list right now. It makes my apartment habitable again.

2) Shark Week on Discovery Channel. Every year I get a little bit more excited for this jawesome week. This year I made t-shirts. No big deal, I'm just a nerd.

3) Tarte Lights Camera Splashes Mascara. This is my new go-to item. It's Waterproof so I can't sweat it off and my face doesn't react to it. Plus my lashes look great.

4) Bronzers/Self Tanners. I don't know why but my legs no longer seem to retain any sort of tan. So I have to fake it. Right now bronzer is where it's at.

5) Swimming. My parents pool, a lake, a river, an doesn't matter where I just want to swim.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Gorging Ourselves

This past weekend The Boy and I took an outing to Taste of the Danforth. Every year Greektown shuts down the street to cars and opens up booths filled with stomach satisfying food. There's usually a mini carnival as well for the little kids. But for the big kids the good eats is where it's at.

(Roasted corn on the cob)

We started off with a really good pulled pork poutine, however in a haze of hungry appreciation I did not stop to take a picture until we had already moved on to the corn on the cob. The corn is cook in it's husk which gets pulled back before the vendor dips it into warm butter and hands it over. You can then proceed to a side table that is filled with spice shakers so you can season your corn to your hearts content.

(Chicken Souvlaki on a Pita)

I think it's illegal to go to Taste of the Danforth and not eat souvlaki.

(Loukoumades/Greek Honey Balls)

So these little fried balls of dough may not look special in this picture, but man are they delicious. For only a few bucks I got 12 of them still warm and sprinkled with fragrant cinnamon. I also picked up some rather large pieces of Baklava (my Mum would disown me if I hadn't brought her some) at the same time. My mouth waters just thinking about biting into these tasty morsels. Can somebody please bring me a few dozen more?

In a health conscious move, we stopped off to get some watermelon to help wash down some of the more greasy food. Unfortunately we then washed the watermelon down with ice cream. Sometimes you just have to let your taste buds lead you.

And now I think I hear the gym calling.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Growing Up

I have survived another year and came out the other side in one piece despite my best clumsy efforts. I'm floating around in my late 20's and I find that it is a weird, but nice age. It feels like not so long ago everyone was working on school work and partying; now everyone is in career mode and my Facebook feed is filled with weddings and babies. Sometimes (like when I find myself staring down rude high schoolers who refuse to wait in line for the bus and thinking of ways to yell at them) I feel old. Then I take a trip to the zoo and I feel like a kid again.

I really wanted a nice, low key birthday this year that involved being outside all day with friends. I think it is impossible to ever outgrow the Zoo. I don't know if it's the nostalgia from childhood or just the cute animals but it holds a certain sway over my heart. Though I do miss being small enough to go on the pony rides.

One thing is for certain: I take A LOT of pictures at the zoo. I don't have a fancy camera, just a basic point and shoot, but I can never resist having hundreds of pictures of animals. They do the most amazing and interesting things that keep me captivated for hours. I am a kid in a candy store at this place! Or well..a big kid at the zoo, but you get my point.

My main concern for the day was having as much fun as possible. Second to that was the all important goal of no tan lines. I really wanted to wear a pair of comfortable shorts and a flowy strapless top, but I couldn't find one that would fit me. Being a dress girl I don't usually wear shorts, but I didn't want to worry about dresses flying up or my legs rubbing together (not all of us have tiny stick legs!). So instead I donned leggings with a strapless dress that allowed me to run around and be silly, while maintaining at least a small amount of girlish dignity.

I really appreciated all my friends who came out and put up with my overtly perky self and a very long day trekking around. Especially the boys who were my pack mules for the day and lugged two backpacks full of food and supplies. I don't really do anything half way and I steadfastly refuse to buy overpriced sub par food. Also I am a sucker for picnics. I had packed my picnic backpack full of cold bbq chicken, assorted veggies, kielbasa, cold salad rolls w hoison sauce, pita bread, brie, grapes, watermelon, pretzels and cookie bars. We were well fed.

Please note when bribing people to get up early and spend all day with you, a backpack or two full of food goes a long way. As do breakfast sandwiches.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting Fitted - Pt. 1

Bridesmaid dresses. Yup, that's probably one of the most feared word combos ever. It brings to peoples minds unflattering cuts of silk and taffeta in shades of puce. Now I have to admit that it seems the dresses are becoming more fashionable and there's more of a chance of getting something that doesn't look too bad. But it will still cost you an arm and a leg for something you may never wear again outside of perhaps a play or Halloween costume. And with that, I would like to talk a bit about my bridesmaid dress experience thus far.

My brother is getting married in the summer and I have been asked by his fiance to be one of her (6) bridesmaids. She has been a fairly easy bride in that she a) picked a deep purple for our dress colours and b) told us that as long as the colour and material was the same we could wear any dress style we wanted. Naturally I heaved a big sigh of relief when she told us this. We went dress shopping back in December as a group and ironically all ended up liking the same dress style (one shouldered with a loose flowy chiffon bottom that hits just around the knees) and decided that we would go with matching dresses.

This is the dress minus the colour
So far so it seems.

Out of all the bridesmaids I am the only plus size. Fact: bridal sizes are NOT plus size friendly. I am normally a 14/16 depending on the clothes; in bridal wear I am a 22W. Let's put aside the fact that the plus size section of dresses to try on was half a rack of clothes suited for a conservitive lady twice my age. Or perhaps that when I was the only girl who couldn't try on the sample dress the sales lady told me that "holding it up against your body would be just like trying it on". Even ignore that my measurements are wierd enough that the dress will have to be ordered two sizes above my bust size to accomidate my waste. I pushed aside any trepedation because the dress was cute and it would be custom fitted to us. One thing I couldn't easily gloss over however, was that once I was measured and sized I was then informed that I would be charged an extra $40 on top of the already expensive dress price because I was plus sized...enter rage.

There was a very specific reason I have waited until now to post about this experience. I didn't want this post to be an angry rant full of caps lock and exclamation points. I had to give myself enough time to process and calm down so I could approach this topic from a more reasonable stand point. That being said, could someone please tell me why being a plus size should equal you having to pay more money?

I don't believe the whole "we have to use extra fabric to make your clothes" line. If that was true shouldn't the fabric amount difference between an extra small and a large change in price as well? Kind of like sheet sets. Their is usually an approx $10 difference as you go up in sheet sizes (twin, double, queen, king) it is an accepted fact. If clothes were treated the same way it would be as well. But to only jump the prices once we are into plus sizes is bascially saying "we are punishing you because you are fat". But what do you do about it?

In my case I was tired, injured and didn't have enough fight in me to get very far past a shocked "excuse me? And why is that" repeated a couple times until I realized I was not going to get a straight answer out of anybody. In lou of being deemed the "drama starter" bridesmaid I sucked up my disgust, bit my tongue and paid the deposit for the dress. Perhaps I sacrified some integrity; afterall companies get away with charging us more because we let them. If I had been shopping completely for myself I would have walked out without buying it, but at the time I had to look at the bigger picture. The issue was sidelined but not forgotten.

Fast forward to this past weekend. I have had months to ponder and worry over what the dress will look like. Will it fit me, will it look nice, will it look like the other dresses or will it be "plus-sized modified". Despite the bitter taste left in my mouth from my last visit I was determined to go into my first fitting with a positive attitude. So in I went to try it on and wouldn't you know it's cute. Yes, its entirely too big on top and will have to be taken in, but I was prepared for that. Once it was pinned I got a better idea of how it would look after alterations. The appointment was fairly painless (minus one pin prick to the finger) and much less mentally emotional that my last visit. Let's hope fitting #2 goes just as well.

In the meantime I fully plan on looking further into the whole price difference issue.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Going Gaga Over: Current Obsessions

The sun is out, my hair is straight and my dress is bright yellow. There is no reason for anything less than big smiles. Just popping by with a quick list of current loves.

1) Summer-like weather! Yeah I know it's not officially summer yet but it's certainly starting to feel like it. I've already started to chant my favourite phrase in my head 'parks, picnics & patios'

2) Sally Hansen Salon Effects Nail Polish Strips - easy, affordable, no muss no fuss. My nails are leopard print right now, they are making quite a splash.

3) DIY blogs and projects - I've been re-painting my front hall and it has inspired me to change up some things around the apartment. I'm going to go through and try to take some stuff I have and re-purpose it to get better use. Updates are a coming.

4) Strapless sun dresses - I have to wear a one shouldered bridesmaids dress in August. I refuse to have strap tans. Keeping it classy.

5) Bread Making - I have yet to venture past a basic whole wheat bread but there are no complaints thus far. With The Boy all moved in, and his sandwich consumption at an all time high, it's definitely saving me money.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Yesterday was a bit of a throw away day. A fever kept me at home and from getting much rest. I spent most of the day bundled on the couch with episodes of Buffy, lots of liquids and tylenol cold and flu. I did manage to rustle up enough energy to put together a basic soup.

(Chicken Broth, Udon Noodles, Peas, Carrots, Celery & Onion)

It was my major accomplishment of the day.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Lifes Giggles

Last night I spent the evening next door helping my neighbor decorate headbands with ribbon and tulle. My fingers were covered in hot glue by the end of it and everyone laughed, chatted and ate pizza until we were all too tired to continue. Sometimes it's the simple impromptu moments in life that are the best and most cherished.

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Gathering - Chocolate Pecan Pie

Another Easter has come and gone, leaving in its wake a sea of bunny and egged shaped chocolate for us to gorge ourselves on. It's a hard job but someone's got to do it. Every time our family gathers, whether for a holiday or just a reason to eat, I usually put myself in charge of dessert. In addition to large ribs and a penchant for mischief, my Mother has also given me her sweet tooth. The sheer amount of desserts that the two of us can eat should be illegal. Seriously.

This year I decided to try something new and I let Martha Stewart lead my way with her delicious Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe.

The crust was super simple involving only a few ingredients and my food processor to mix it. This particular one had unsalted butter in it. Fun fact: my Mum doesn't believe in using butter for pie crust, she only uses lard. I have to admit nothing beats her crust.

Nothing really beats the ooey-goooooey goodness of pecan pie either. Except perhaps when it has chocolate added to it.

I ended up making two pies. One for my family dinner and one for my boyfriends family dinner. He liked the idea that he got to taste test it twice. He calls it "checking for poison" in hopes that it will get him extra pieces. My other pie was much prettier all wrapped up in a removable bottomed tart pan, but I like how rustic this one looks. In the end the taste is really what matters most and this pie was a winner.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Going Gaga Over: Current Obsessions

Spring is in the air and along with it comes brighter colours, lighter fabrics and happy tunes. In addition to my spring re-organizing project I've been trying out some new looks and spring trends that I was unsure if I could pull off. Here's a quick list of what I'm currently in love with:

1) High Messy Buns - I have a really round wide face that I usually like to narrow by keeping my hair framing it. I've never really liked the way I look with my hair up so I usually avoid it at all cost. But I'm trying to embrace new things and I kinda love the perkiness of my hair piled on top of my head with a few stray curls springing out.

2) Bold Coral Lips - I've always been more of a lip gloss girl. It's quick, simple and has a no fuss quality that I like. But there is something about a bold lip that can really make an outfit pop. My current fav is the Revlon Just Bitten Lip Stain in Flame with a swipe of Rimmel Vinyl Gloss in Fashion Icon on top

3)The Urban Ballerina Collection by OPI/Sephora. I never thought I would wear pale pink on my nails. Clearly I was wrong.

4)Urban Outfitters Decor. Quirky and functional.

5)This Baseball Bean Bag Chair. My boyfriend is opposed to it. I am in love with the idea of it sitting in my living room and watching Jays games from it. We are in negotiations currently. His argument being "it doesn't match anything in the apartment". My retort was "it matches my Jose Bautista bobble head". We shall see.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Grins and Wins

I have a whole bunch of saved post drafts from the last month and a bit. They are all depressingly whiny. I didn't care to post them. I have a basic vision for what I want this blog to be about and honestly, though I will post the odd angry rant or expression of melancholy leanings, I don't want this blog to be about negativity. The simple process of typing out my thoughts has really helped me through some emotional turmoil over the past few months but not all of it seemed fit to publish. I fully expect to start and stop many post that will forever be stashed in the 'draft' folder. I'd rather not post at all than have this turn into a livejournal account.

With that note out of the way I have a list of some stuff that makes me grin almost non-stop:
  • Spring Clothing Lines - bright happy dresses as far as the eye can see. My wallet is already whimpering in anticipation. I'm planning out a post for some of the new outfits I've already acquired. Stay tuned.
  • Clean bill of health MRI wise, I have a final follow up appointment next week. I'm down to small bits of pain and mostly muscle fatigue. Doesn't look like I'll be up for sports any time soon but I will get to enjoy summer sans cane. Sometimes it's the little things.
  • As of March 14th-ish I was officially back at my own apartment. I think returning to my own space and my cats has really helped my overview of things. In appreciation I have been completely re-organizing my entire apartment. I'm using every space saving tip Martha Stewart has to make the most of my little space. Spring, time of renewal and all that jazz.
  • Last weekend was the Blue Jays home opener and thus the start of my summer of living at the ballpark. Please be advised there will most likely be a lot of baseball talk on here. I'll try to keep it relevant. As of now I'm leaning towards baseball game viewing attire and ballpark picnic fare.
More to come soon.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Waiting Game

I was always a board game kid. If there was no sports to be played or the weather was crappy I wanted to waste the time playing board games. I could pass hours playing Clue, Jr. Scrabble, Trouble, Monopoly and Pretty Pretty Princess (one of my all time favourites). Oh and I can't forget Trivial Pursuit; which is still played often to this day. I have many, many versions of this game.

My friend, and neighbor at the time, had one of the best game collections ever. Oh how I envied some of the more unique games she possessed. There was Pig Trotters, which involved racing little plastic pigs along the board. I was obsessed with pigs up until my teenage years and my Mum still has a large stash of pig stuff shoved in a closet somewhere. Also a really cool Jurassic Park game that took up a large portion of the floor when played. I could go on forever. The only problem was: she HATED playing board games! It was like pulling teeth trying to talk her into it. She had stacks of my favourites always sitting there, calling to me, but would only agree to a game once in a blue moon. I thought it was a tragedy and eventually gave up on trying to get her to play them and started trying to convince her to give them to me. If she wasn't gonna use them I had a very nice home that would take good care of them.

Of course, as you get older you trade your board games for: The Teenage Drama Game, The Boyfriend Game, The Will-I-Get-Into-A-Good-School Game, The Party-Until-5am Game and The Moving Out Game. I'm currently in the middle of an intense game of Live-With-Your-Parents-Until-Your-Injury-Free. It's definitely a time consumer especially when mixed with The Waiting-For-An-MRI Game. Here are the rules:
  • You can't finish the first game until the second one is complete. Also known as game limbo
  • You must endure a bunch of tests and appointments before an MRI date is given to you
  • The date will always be at least 3 months later then you want it to be
  • A lot of time will be spent on being placed on hold over the phone hoping for cancellations at an earlier date
  • Most likely you won't get anything earlier
  • Just keep waiting, waiting, waiting
  • Impatience will directly affect your healing time (and perhaps extend it) if you attempt to speed things up
  • Do not pass go, do not collect $100 dollars.
  • Do pay for hospital parking
  • Game kinda suitable for all ages
I'll have to admit, not my favourite game to play. Anybody up for a round of Candy Land instead?


Friday, February 18, 2011

Long Weekend Git-R-Done

It's Friday! More specifically, it's Friday of a long weekend!! I've promised myself that I will be productive over the next few days. I have a ton of cleaning and de-cluttering to get done to open up some much needed extra space. Also I'm going shopping. I realize, of course, that shopping for stuff while trying to get rid of things is a little redundant. I'd say that I was ONLY going to buy apartment organizers...but I'd be lying. I'm on the hunt for new clothes. Particularly clothes that fit me.

On average I tend to float around a size 14, while sometimes fitting into a size 12 or having to go up a size to a 16. I've even experienced some time in a size 18 and reminisce about my early high school years in a 10. I find that out of all the sizes I have been, 14 seems to be the hardest to dress. It's the no mans land of sizes. Biggest size in a lot of 'regular' stores (if you're lucky) and the bottom size at plus stores. This leaves me in a love/hate relationship with shopping. Even when I can find a size14, I'm either too muscular or not curvy enough for the clothes to sit on me properly. Can someone please tell me where it is written that 'Plus Size' means I have curves that go on for days? I have broad shoulders, an ample bust and a large rib cage. Followed by having no hips, some extra love around the mid section and large but muscled legs. I like to think of myself as Athletically Fat. Maybe not the nicest term to describe oneself, but it is accurate. There is no 'hourglass' on this figure.

While I'm on the subject of plus size; what is up with the stores insisting I dress like a 40-year-old Matron? Adding sequins to a top does not automatically make it 'hip and young'. Bland clothes without any shape, or seeming life to them, do not flatter me or my personality. I want clothes that give me some shape as well as colours and patterns that express who I am. Needless to say, I practically swooned the first time I saw a plus size section at the Forever 21 in Fairview Mall. Yes, it's was the only Forever 21 store in all of Toronto that had it, and it was a small section at that, but I was able to walk into it and find at least 10 things I wanted to try on. On a good outing at other stores, I'd find maybe 4 or 5 things I liked then was lucky if 1 or 2 of them were in my size. If I walked out of a store with a new top it was a success. I walk out of Forever 21 with a couple dresses, some cardigans, a pair of leggings and maybe even a top or two and usually don't spend more than $100. If more stores similar to Forever 21 start producing trendy clothes in plus sizes I will be ecstatic.

Rants about stores aside, my biggest problem right now is my injury. Lack of movement, never mind exercise, has definitely pushed me up a couple dress sizes. Leaving me with a wardrobe of clothes that are too small. My challenge currently is to buy clothes that fit me now, but will still work when I get rid of my injury weight. And I will get rid of it (and maybe some of the extra pounds I had before). I'll never be a small girl; I've accepted that. But I do intend to be a fashionable girl who is as fit as possible...size need not apply.


Friday, February 11, 2011

List Of Goals

I've decided to set myself a list of things I hope to accomplish in the near future. Right now I am living in a day by day kind of world from a result of this injury. I find when I start to think too far ahead I have to add "if I'm better in time to do that" to the end. Then I start thinking negative thoughts. So short term focus only...until I'm better ;) . In no particular order:

1) Get rid of my cane. Obviously I'd like to be cane free in the near future it'll mean a lot more mobility for me. It'll also mean I'm on the downhill part of my recovery; let's hope I don't slip.

2) Return to my apartment. I so need to get out of my parents house and back to my regular scheduled programming. Ie) My own bed, clothing in closets/drawers, friends, downtown life and my cats. (I'm sure my lovely neighbor could use a break from looking after my monsters for 3 months. I totally owe her big.)

3) Re-introduce myself to the gym, personal trainer styles. This will be directly impacted by goals 1 & 2. I have to start working out again. I really want to push myself a little harder and get my hip re-strengthened and shed some pounds gained in the last few months (and some from before).

4) Be able to play baseball this season. I think this one is the most up-in-the-air goal I have. It's hard to tell where I'll be at in May when my baseball usually starts. Right now I'm thinking positive thoughts and hoping for the best, while preparing myself for a missed season.

5) Read more baseball books. I'm revving myself up for the 2011 MLB season. Plus reading doesn't involve me moving. This is currently my most easily accomplished goal.

6) Get up the stairs at my hair salon. They are skinny and hard to climb on the best of days. My split ends and grown out layers are yelling at me. They are very mean.

7) Find a new apartment. I love my cute apartment, in my cute uptown neighborhood and my cute uptown cat sitting neighbor. But I need more space so I can live with my cute boyfriend.

8) Consistent Blog Updates. Follow through and all that. I have a lot of thoughts that blogging helps clear out. Keeps my brain tidy so it doesn't implode on itself.

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Going Gaga Over: Current Obsessions.

Every now and then I become obsessed with certain trends/books/colours/etc. Sometimes I fall in love with something and it never goes out of style for me and gets put in my 'love forever pile'. Sometimes my infatuation is fleeting; things that I once shouted "OMG!" at are forgotten. Pretty sure I'm not alone in this habit either. So I thought I would share a couple of the things that I'm totally gone on at this moment in time.

1) Feather earrings. They can be feather or metal that looks like feather or leaves (I also like leaf earrings). But not Toronto Maple Leaf earrings. Just to be clear: I'm a baseball girl.

2) Baseball books; specifically "The Baseball Codes"by Jason Turbow, since it's what I'm reading right now. But I would be up to reading just about any Baseball book once I am finished. Suggestions?

3) Peppermint scented foot cream right before I go to bed. Oh how relaxing.

4) Revlon Top Speed Nail Polish. Fun colours, decent price and drys really fast. I love nail polish but have trouble sitting around waiting for my nails to dry, which results in smudged nails almost right after I finish. So the faster they dry the better! The colour I'm wearing now is a happy shade of pink called 'Jelly'. I'm normally not a pink person but this colour is so lovely; vivid without being too bright and still in a deeper colour range.

5) Sephora. Make-up, make-up, make-up. Nuff' said.

6) Sleep masks with poignant sayings like 'leave me alone'. It's what everybody got in their stockings at Christmas from Santa (ie: Me)

7) Lace & Pearls. Seperate or together I am currently crazy for them. I don't see this going away any time soon.

8) Leopard Print! There's something about it that always makes me smile. It also makes me sassy. At least, if I have to live out of suitcases at my parents' house, I can live out of smile giving print ones. *rawr*


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Getting Set For Snow

Apparently 'Snowmagheddon' is hitting the GTA tonight. Which brings me back to a question I'm always asking myself: how do I stay fashionable in a snow storm?

I know most people would say "It's a snow storm! Bundle up in as many layers as possible and hope to come out the other side unscathed. Don't worry about what you look like". But what if I want to come out the other side unscathed with my hair and mascara in tact? And maybe wearing a nice dress? This is my current method of approach (lets call it Plan A) :

Cute but comfortable dresses with leggings and tank tops underneath and a cardigan on top.

For extra layers that can be worn on top of my outfit then taken off upon arriving at my destination: Jeggings or Jeans & Oversized Cable Knit Sweaters

For my outerwear a Red Wool Coat (easier to find me in a snow storm), Leopard Print Scarf (for some added sass), Gloves, Knit Hats and Waterproof Snow Boots

Extra things to help me: Big Mittens that can fit over smaller gloves in case of deep freeze, Fashionable Boots to leave at work to change into, Weather Works hair products, purse friendly Portable Hair Straightener, Over Sized Sunglasses to help block the snow from my face and of course a make up bag for touch ups.

Hopefully this plan will be successful in keeping me perfectly coiffed no matter what. If not my Plan B is to call it a snow day and stay at home with a cup of hot chocolate. ^_^


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Woe Is G

I had a bit of a face-mergency this week. The added stress of my injury has my face breaking out something awful and I decided to try out some new face products for acne prone sensitive skin...terrible idea! (Picture someone who has fallen asleep in the sun for hours without any form of sun protection on their face. Yup.)

When I was in high school, around grade 11, I developed make up allergies. My eyelids would sting, swell up and on occasion split open. Fact: walking around with scabs on your eyelids is not a confidence booster. As a make up junkie and music theatre student at the time, I felt betrayed by my skin. I ended up switching everything I used to hypo-allergenic products; which seemed to work for a while.

A few years ago, my skin started reacting to just about anything I would put on it. I went from a teenager with perfect looking skin to a twenty year old with acne and redness. Every time I applied make up, my face would react worse and worse until I gave up on wearing any. Then even my cleansers and lotions started flare ups. I learned that acne fighting products are too harsh for me and most 'sensitive skin' products are filled with all natural things like lavender and rosehip (known for their soothing properties) which I am very allergic to. Enter two different brands that would give me hope: Cover FX Make Up ( which I will save my praises for a different post) and Avène Face Products.

Normally I use a combination of Avène products which have very little ingredients and are designed for hypersensitive skin. Currently I am using the Cleanance Soap-Free Gel Cleanser for oily blemish prone sensitive skin, the Thermal Spring Water Soothing Serum for sensitive skin, and the Gentle Purifying Scrub.**

I have never had a negative reaction to any of their products that I've tried. Though recently I found that my normal face routine just hasn't been standing up to my acne. You would think, with all my past knowledge and my positive experience with my current cleansers, I would've gone and picked up some acne treatment from their line. Of course not! I decided I wanted to try something new positive that it would be all the answers to my face problems. Lets just say four days of a major face burn/rash/allergic reaction and many DUH moments later I am back to my tried and true brand.

Lesson learned.

*Please note that I am neither endorsing or recommending these or any other products I mention on here. They are simply what I like and what works for me.*
