
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Waiting Game

I was always a board game kid. If there was no sports to be played or the weather was crappy I wanted to waste the time playing board games. I could pass hours playing Clue, Jr. Scrabble, Trouble, Monopoly and Pretty Pretty Princess (one of my all time favourites). Oh and I can't forget Trivial Pursuit; which is still played often to this day. I have many, many versions of this game.

My friend, and neighbor at the time, had one of the best game collections ever. Oh how I envied some of the more unique games she possessed. There was Pig Trotters, which involved racing little plastic pigs along the board. I was obsessed with pigs up until my teenage years and my Mum still has a large stash of pig stuff shoved in a closet somewhere. Also a really cool Jurassic Park game that took up a large portion of the floor when played. I could go on forever. The only problem was: she HATED playing board games! It was like pulling teeth trying to talk her into it. She had stacks of my favourites always sitting there, calling to me, but would only agree to a game once in a blue moon. I thought it was a tragedy and eventually gave up on trying to get her to play them and started trying to convince her to give them to me. If she wasn't gonna use them I had a very nice home that would take good care of them.

Of course, as you get older you trade your board games for: The Teenage Drama Game, The Boyfriend Game, The Will-I-Get-Into-A-Good-School Game, The Party-Until-5am Game and The Moving Out Game. I'm currently in the middle of an intense game of Live-With-Your-Parents-Until-Your-Injury-Free. It's definitely a time consumer especially when mixed with The Waiting-For-An-MRI Game. Here are the rules:
  • You can't finish the first game until the second one is complete. Also known as game limbo
  • You must endure a bunch of tests and appointments before an MRI date is given to you
  • The date will always be at least 3 months later then you want it to be
  • A lot of time will be spent on being placed on hold over the phone hoping for cancellations at an earlier date
  • Most likely you won't get anything earlier
  • Just keep waiting, waiting, waiting
  • Impatience will directly affect your healing time (and perhaps extend it) if you attempt to speed things up
  • Do not pass go, do not collect $100 dollars.
  • Do pay for hospital parking
  • Game kinda suitable for all ages
I'll have to admit, not my favourite game to play. Anybody up for a round of Candy Land instead?


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