
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Gathering - Chocolate Pecan Pie

Another Easter has come and gone, leaving in its wake a sea of bunny and egged shaped chocolate for us to gorge ourselves on. It's a hard job but someone's got to do it. Every time our family gathers, whether for a holiday or just a reason to eat, I usually put myself in charge of dessert. In addition to large ribs and a penchant for mischief, my Mother has also given me her sweet tooth. The sheer amount of desserts that the two of us can eat should be illegal. Seriously.

This year I decided to try something new and I let Martha Stewart lead my way with her delicious Chocolate Pecan Pie Recipe.

The crust was super simple involving only a few ingredients and my food processor to mix it. This particular one had unsalted butter in it. Fun fact: my Mum doesn't believe in using butter for pie crust, she only uses lard. I have to admit nothing beats her crust.

Nothing really beats the ooey-goooooey goodness of pecan pie either. Except perhaps when it has chocolate added to it.

I ended up making two pies. One for my family dinner and one for my boyfriends family dinner. He liked the idea that he got to taste test it twice. He calls it "checking for poison" in hopes that it will get him extra pieces. My other pie was much prettier all wrapped up in a removable bottomed tart pan, but I like how rustic this one looks. In the end the taste is really what matters most and this pie was a winner.


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