
Friday, April 8, 2011

Grins and Wins

I have a whole bunch of saved post drafts from the last month and a bit. They are all depressingly whiny. I didn't care to post them. I have a basic vision for what I want this blog to be about and honestly, though I will post the odd angry rant or expression of melancholy leanings, I don't want this blog to be about negativity. The simple process of typing out my thoughts has really helped me through some emotional turmoil over the past few months but not all of it seemed fit to publish. I fully expect to start and stop many post that will forever be stashed in the 'draft' folder. I'd rather not post at all than have this turn into a livejournal account.

With that note out of the way I have a list of some stuff that makes me grin almost non-stop:
  • Spring Clothing Lines - bright happy dresses as far as the eye can see. My wallet is already whimpering in anticipation. I'm planning out a post for some of the new outfits I've already acquired. Stay tuned.
  • Clean bill of health MRI wise, I have a final follow up appointment next week. I'm down to small bits of pain and mostly muscle fatigue. Doesn't look like I'll be up for sports any time soon but I will get to enjoy summer sans cane. Sometimes it's the little things.
  • As of March 14th-ish I was officially back at my own apartment. I think returning to my own space and my cats has really helped my overview of things. In appreciation I have been completely re-organizing my entire apartment. I'm using every space saving tip Martha Stewart has to make the most of my little space. Spring, time of renewal and all that jazz.
  • Last weekend was the Blue Jays home opener and thus the start of my summer of living at the ballpark. Please be advised there will most likely be a lot of baseball talk on here. I'll try to keep it relevant. As of now I'm leaning towards baseball game viewing attire and ballpark picnic fare.
More to come soon.


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