
Friday, February 11, 2011

List Of Goals

I've decided to set myself a list of things I hope to accomplish in the near future. Right now I am living in a day by day kind of world from a result of this injury. I find when I start to think too far ahead I have to add "if I'm better in time to do that" to the end. Then I start thinking negative thoughts. So short term focus only...until I'm better ;) . In no particular order:

1) Get rid of my cane. Obviously I'd like to be cane free in the near future it'll mean a lot more mobility for me. It'll also mean I'm on the downhill part of my recovery; let's hope I don't slip.

2) Return to my apartment. I so need to get out of my parents house and back to my regular scheduled programming. Ie) My own bed, clothing in closets/drawers, friends, downtown life and my cats. (I'm sure my lovely neighbor could use a break from looking after my monsters for 3 months. I totally owe her big.)

3) Re-introduce myself to the gym, personal trainer styles. This will be directly impacted by goals 1 & 2. I have to start working out again. I really want to push myself a little harder and get my hip re-strengthened and shed some pounds gained in the last few months (and some from before).

4) Be able to play baseball this season. I think this one is the most up-in-the-air goal I have. It's hard to tell where I'll be at in May when my baseball usually starts. Right now I'm thinking positive thoughts and hoping for the best, while preparing myself for a missed season.

5) Read more baseball books. I'm revving myself up for the 2011 MLB season. Plus reading doesn't involve me moving. This is currently my most easily accomplished goal.

6) Get up the stairs at my hair salon. They are skinny and hard to climb on the best of days. My split ends and grown out layers are yelling at me. They are very mean.

7) Find a new apartment. I love my cute apartment, in my cute uptown neighborhood and my cute uptown cat sitting neighbor. But I need more space so I can live with my cute boyfriend.

8) Consistent Blog Updates. Follow through and all that. I have a lot of thoughts that blogging helps clear out. Keeps my brain tidy so it doesn't implode on itself.

Wish me luck!


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