
Monday, January 23, 2012

Fitness Goals - The Beginning

In an attempt to cut back on my expenses I recently cancelled my gym membership. I love the facility and people there, but the early closing hours and my procrastination keeps me from going enough to justify paying for it. To make up for this I am now making a plan for home fitness using my kinect.

Basically I am going to use the dance central game and a personal training game (mixed with better nutrition and whatever sports I sign up for) to see how fit I can get. I believe it will be an interesting experiment regardless of the results. Hopefully by putting my plan and progress up here it will help me be a little more accountable for the promises I make to myself. And to up the anti a little bit more I am going to do what most girls try to avoid: I am posting my actual weight on the internet.

January 24th, 2012
Starting Weight: 225
Goal Weight: 145
Daily Accomplishment Goals:
  • 6-8 Glasses of water per day
  • Portion Control
  • Heathier Snacks
  • 30 Minutes of Cardio per day
  • 3-4 full workouts per week
  • Improve Posture

More updates to come! Wish me luck!!


Friday, January 20, 2012


Last Sunday I left my cellphone at my parents house. When I realized this, first I thought "crap that sucks". Then, when I talked to my Mum and she informed me I'd have to wait a few days before I could get it back, I moved on to "That's going to be really inconvenient". My inner self was ready to move into full on panic mode. But I figured it's only a couple days no big deal if my main source of communication is well incommunicado. I can handle this.

Naturally I went straight to Facebook to update all the people, that clearly pay attention to my every move, that I would be without a cell for a couple days and the only way to reach me would be online. Sunday became Monday and Monday stretched out until Tuesday arrived. I think I spent most of Tuesday thinking about how I would be getting my phone back. Then it was delayed to Thursday. The rest of my Tuesday inner dialogue went something like: "THURSDAY? 2 MORE DAYS WITHOUT MY PHONE!?!?! HOW AM I GOING TO DEAL WITH THIS? No, no calm down you've gone 2 days what's two days more? Get a hold of yourself. You're right, I don't need my phone I'm not ruled by it. OMG WHAT IF I MISS A TEXT OR PHONE CALL!?!? No big deal it's fine" *twitch*.

On Wednesday night, on my way home from volleyball, I had managed to pull myself out of my cellphone induced craziness. That is until I arrived home to the front door of my building being locked and me not having my key to get in. I couldn't call my boyfriend who was upstairs or my neighbor. Even if I could find a pay phone I didn't have change or know their numbers. I did manage to connect to some sketchy wi-fi with my iPod and email my boyfriend in hopes of him reading it. Then I just stood under my window and shouted his name until he finally heard me. Okay that sucked, good thing I'm getting my phone back tomorrow.

Thursday...well hello snow, so nice to see that you are showing up just enough for my Mum to push the delivery date back to Saturday. Wait..Saturday?!?!?! FML.

So now it's Friday and I am ranting (whining?) on my blog about not having my cell for five measly days. Which brings me to ask: When did my cellphone become my life line? I know that at some point carrying around quarters to make a call was normal and I had all the numbers I needed memorized. Now panic sets in if I leave my phone at home for a day. When exactly did I become so dependent on this little piece of technology? I remember for years I only ever turned my phone on to make a quick call then turned it off again (I also remember how it infuriated my family and friends that they couldn't get a hold of me easily because of this). I used to refuse to text message people because of how impersonal it felt. Now I probably text more then I call. My phone feels like an extra appendage, and I don't even have a some super fancy model like an iPhone or Blackberry. This little blue thing with buttons is controlling my life! I'm so tempted to just toss it away and be rid of the damn thing.

What a good idea, I could be phoneless! Hell I could delete my Facebook profile, say goodbye to Twitter, stop pinning things on Pinterest and quit blogging about crap that goes on in my head. I could break away from these invisible chains that hold me down. Maybe I'll just walk away from my computer...from society! I could run away to be a hermit in the woods where I would live off the land and only accept mailed letters as forms of communication! Yes!! Why haven't I thought of this before? I could do this, it would be wonderful and oh so freeing...I'd answer to no one but myself!!! But then again...those LOL Cats are pretty cute. Guess I'll just wait until Saturday instead.


Friday, January 6, 2012

Going Gaga Over - Current Obsessions

My never ending list rages on!

1) Tarte LipSurgence Natural Lip Stain. I have a few of these but my favourite is Enchanted. It's a lovely berry colour that goes with just about anything. These lip stains are easy to carry, easy to apply, moisturizing and full of peppermint-y goodness.

2) The Kinect for Xbox 360. This kicks some major butt. Lots of fun games like Adventures and Dance Central will have you leaping and turning around in no time. I like that I don't have to hold a controller and there is no half ass-ing it, you get some good workouts.

3) Pinterest. Seriously if you haven't checked out Pinterest yet do it! I love LOVE it.

4) I'm totally wanting a new camera so I can have some more exciting pictures to use on the blog. Right now I'm struggling with the quality I'm getting from my little point and shoot. I don't want to go too over the top or fancy though. Currently looking at the Nikon Coolpix p500 12.1mp digital

5) Red Hair! I went through a long stretch of dying my hair all sorts of variations of red and black. I eventually switched to dark brown then grew out all the colour damage. It's probably been over a year since I last dyed my hair and even though I appreciate my natural hair colour, I am feeling the itch to dye it again. Right now I am pouring over every different shade of red trying to decide a colour. All I know is I want it to look like a natural red, I will be tinting my brows to match and it will be done at a salon.

Taaa for now!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back To The Grind

There is nothing like the deep internal sigh that happens when you know your vacation is over. It's saying farewell to sleeping in, relaxing and the guilt free over eating that only the holiday season can give you.

Even though my time off work this year was short, it was one of the nicest and most relaxing weeks I've had in a long time. Once the whirlwind of Christmas passed, I got to spend some much needed time at home with my fella and accomplished a lot of household projects that had been sitting on my to-do list for months. For the most part, aside from groceries and bang trims, I basically didn't leave our apartment. We even decided to spend New Years at home drinking champagne, eating pizza and watching movies. But now it's back to life back to reality. C'est la vie.

Happy New Years everyone!
