
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Goals, Ghouls & Gossip

I've been up to a lot since my last post {which looking back I realize was in May *cringe*}.  So I guess it's only fair that I update all my non-existent readers on my goings on. 

Back in January I did a post of some fitness goals, I'm gonna be honest here and say they fell pretty flat for a while and I have no one to blame but myself.  I'm owning up to my failure.  However, I renewed my faith in myself and reassessed my goals when I went Paleo back in late April and amped up my exercise.  Here's a recap of where I was at and where I am now:

January 24th, 2012   ---> April 2012   ---> October 2012 
Starting Weight: 225    ------>    Weight: 230       ----->       Weight: 190 
Goal Weight: 145         ------>  Goal Weight 160  ------>    Goal Weight 160

{40 pounds down, 30 to go.  Once I reach the 160 mark I will reassess again to see if I feel I need to return to the 145 goal or not}

Even though I initially went Paleo because of my wonky blood sugar problems, it's really been a catalyst in my weight loss and overall health.  I honestly can't remember the last time I felt this good mentally and physically.  And I have to say, it's awesome.

On a completely different note: the weather has steadily moved into Fall! Which means my favourite time of year has arrived!! Some people wait around for their birthday or Christmas to arrive but me, I wait for October.  The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and cool and pumpkin everything is on the menu.  Not to mention three events that I wait with baited breath for: Halloween of course is one of them and along with it comes The Zombie Walk and The Toronto After Dark Film Festival {TADF}.

The zombie walk has come and gone already {last weekend in fact} but it was a glorious day of blood, brains and shambling corpses.  I decided to pull out an old, but much loved, costume from a few years back. Say hello to Zombie Sailor Moon, complete with a black cat trick or treat bag made to look like Luna.

 {Chasing humans by moonlight...eating brains by everyone a real fright....she is Zombie Sailor Moon}

It never ceases to amaze me just how many people get a kick out of dressing up as a zombie and staggering around downtown Toronto yelling out for "Braaaaaaaains".  If you've never made it out to the Toronto Zombie Walk, I recommend it strongly, it's a lot of fun.

Along the same lines and happening around the zombie walk is The After Dark Film Festival. It's 9 nights of horror, sci-fi, action & cult movies that screen at the Bloor Cinema.  I consider this week a special treat that I give to myself every year.  I splurge on an all access pass which gets me in to every screening they have {if I so choose to go to all of them} and gets me in before the standard ticket holders.  I like to spend most of this week flying solo, although I do welcome the company of my friends for the odd movie.  There is something special about taking time to myself to watch gore and monsters fly across a movie screen.  I take myself on the best dates.      

In my time away from the blog I have also started back at school part time.  I spend my Saturday mornings in chef whites at George Brown College cooking up a storm.  Thus far I have completed Culinary Arts 1 and am currently in the middle of Culinary Arts 2.  I am working towards earning a Culinary Arts Certificate which I hope to use to get into food styling.  I still have one more prerequisite to take {Knife Skills} and 6 electives which run the gambit from canning to butcherie, bbq to Italian Cuisine and many more.  On top of that there are probably at least a dozen other cooking/baking courses that I want to take.  My excitement knows no bounds.

 {Blue Cheese Stuffed Pork Chops on a Bed of Greens and Sauteed Apples}

I have also found myself {partially thanks to a social night out with a few too many drinks} with the daunting task of making cupcakes for a wedding.  I am both eager and nervous for this, though I know deep down that I can make it work.  It's something that is completely in the realm of things I am capable of doing but enough out of my comfort zone to be challenging.  I hope for my sake, and the couples, that my little cakes turn out well.  I will be sure to take pictures of this adventure.

I think, aside from my list of clutsy minor injuries I always seem to accumulate, that about sums up some of the main things that have been going on.  This post got a bit longer than I had planned, but after such a long break I guess it's to be expected.  I will endeavor to be a tad more consistent in the future.  I actually seem to be a much better blogger once the weather turns crappy and I spend more time indoors.  Perhaps, as a rule, just expect me to go on hiatus whenever Summer roles around.  That might not make me an ideal blogger, but it sure helps my baseball swing.



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