
Monday, January 24, 2011

Thoughts Of A Couped Up Gal

I'm going a little stir crazy from inactivity right now. My winter is usually filled with gym visits, indoor sports and dancing at the clubs. This year none of those things are happening. Back in November I partially dislocated my hip playing volleyball. At the time I thought the injury was minor and what I thought would be a week or two on crutches ended up being much longer.

Normally, I live alone in a downtown apartment with my two cats and value my independence and alone time. Currently I have been living back with my parents in the suburbs with visitation to my apartment on the weekends (don't worry my neighbor is taking good care of my cats). I keep trying to remind myself of how much improvement I've made since November. I use a cane when I'm out instead of crutches, I can drive myself to work and bend my leg down, I can put on my own socks and get into the bathtub without assistance. Despite the fact that I'm no longer constantly uncomfortable and in pain all I can think about is how much I'm missing out on.

Alas, what else is there to do but grin and bear it, do my physiotherapy exercises and hope I'm in shape for baseball season. Well perhaps I could buy a new nail polish or two.


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