
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Growing Up

I have survived another year and came out the other side in one piece despite my best clumsy efforts. I'm floating around in my late 20's and I find that it is a weird, but nice age. It feels like not so long ago everyone was working on school work and partying; now everyone is in career mode and my Facebook feed is filled with weddings and babies. Sometimes (like when I find myself staring down rude high schoolers who refuse to wait in line for the bus and thinking of ways to yell at them) I feel old. Then I take a trip to the zoo and I feel like a kid again.

I really wanted a nice, low key birthday this year that involved being outside all day with friends. I think it is impossible to ever outgrow the Zoo. I don't know if it's the nostalgia from childhood or just the cute animals but it holds a certain sway over my heart. Though I do miss being small enough to go on the pony rides.

One thing is for certain: I take A LOT of pictures at the zoo. I don't have a fancy camera, just a basic point and shoot, but I can never resist having hundreds of pictures of animals. They do the most amazing and interesting things that keep me captivated for hours. I am a kid in a candy store at this place! Or well..a big kid at the zoo, but you get my point.

My main concern for the day was having as much fun as possible. Second to that was the all important goal of no tan lines. I really wanted to wear a pair of comfortable shorts and a flowy strapless top, but I couldn't find one that would fit me. Being a dress girl I don't usually wear shorts, but I didn't want to worry about dresses flying up or my legs rubbing together (not all of us have tiny stick legs!). So instead I donned leggings with a strapless dress that allowed me to run around and be silly, while maintaining at least a small amount of girlish dignity.

I really appreciated all my friends who came out and put up with my overtly perky self and a very long day trekking around. Especially the boys who were my pack mules for the day and lugged two backpacks full of food and supplies. I don't really do anything half way and I steadfastly refuse to buy overpriced sub par food. Also I am a sucker for picnics. I had packed my picnic backpack full of cold bbq chicken, assorted veggies, kielbasa, cold salad rolls w hoison sauce, pita bread, brie, grapes, watermelon, pretzels and cookie bars. We were well fed.

Please note when bribing people to get up early and spend all day with you, a backpack or two full of food goes a long way. As do breakfast sandwiches.
